About Zoë Alexandra
I was lucky to have grown up with homeopathy. I found it fascinating, and have fond memories of studying remedies in the Materia Medica (medical books) as a teenager. I could barely put the books down.
My interest became much stronger, when in 2003, my homeopath at that time retired and I decided to try to treat myself. I studied relentlessly - Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, David Little, Dr. William Boericke, Dr. James Compton Burnett, Dr. Constantine Hering, Dr. James Tyler Kent, Dr. Margaret Lucy Tyler, and Dr. Luc de Schepper, just to name a few. The countless hours spent reading articles and studying textbooks gave me wonderful results. I had suffered from asthma, food allergies and had been catching every cold/flu that went by. I was able to clear those issues up completely and my energy went through the roof. It was life altering! It made me want to help others heal and live vibrant and productive lives. I decided to follow my passion and enrolled in the Canadian College of Homeopathic Medicine’s Diploma in Homeopathy and Health Sciences program and graduated with Honours. I was fortunate to be accepted into Middlesex University in the U.K. where I earned my Bachelors degree in Homeopathy, with Honours.
I welcome patients of all ages with various ailments. I am especially interested in treating patients with Autism, depression, anxiety, low energy, food sensitivities, and poor functioning immune systems.
The journey to health is one where the practitioner and patient work together. If you decide to take this step with me as your holistic health practitioner, I look forward to being part of your healing journey!
Yours in health,
Zoë Alexandra, BSc. - Homeopathy (Hons)