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Wondering what homeopathic medicines should be included in your Homeopathic First Aid kit?

The advantage of having a home kit is that if an emergency occurs, you can contact your homeopath for a video appointment, and with the remedies on-hand you will be able to start treatment right away. Why is this important? Acute illnesses often require a few different remedies at different times, based on the symptoms one is experiencing. If it takes a couple of days to get the medicine, the medicine may no longer be suitable to the symptoms. As well, the further a disease progresses, the more serious the symptoms may become and the longer treatment will likely be needed.

The following twenty remedies are a great start to a home kit! I have included a brief description of some symptoms under each one, to indicate some symptoms for which they are often prescribed. Please note that remedies can have hundreds of symptoms in the materia medica (medical books), and that the majority of your most important symptoms should be in the remedy; however, no one experiences all the symptoms in the remedy picture.

What strength (potency) should one purchase?

For acute symptoms, I recommend buying medicines in the 200c potency for your kit.

How much do homeopathic medicines cost?

Remedies in the 200c potency are under $10 each. If 20 remedies are too much to purchase at once, buying a few each month until your kit is complete, may be a better option.

1. Aconite

Aconite is to be considered when symptoms come on suddenly, and the majority of the other symptoms one is experiencing also match the remedy. This homeopathic medicine is often called for when someone is experiencing shock, or a fright.

  • With fever, chills and then heat, often alternating. Shivering and a strong/hard pulse.

  • Fear/anxiety that they will not recover.

  • Hoarse coughs, or barking coughs.

  • Pains can feel pressing and are in small spots, such as the size of a fingertip.

  • Worse when moving, from cold air, or touch.

  • Better from sweating, and lying down on the back.

2. Apis mellifica

Apis mellifica is used often in fever when the symptoms match.

  • Symptoms may alternate, hot and sweating or hot and dry.

  • Worse from heat.

  • Pains may be burning and stinging, and they may move quickly from spot to spot.

  • Symptoms are usually right-sided, and can go from right to left.

  • Thirstless.

  • Tight feeling.

  • Desire to move.

  • Better from sitting, cold, expectoration (coughing relieves), and changing position.

3. Arnica Montana

Arnica Montana is used frequently following surgery, or injuries, when the symptoms match.

  • Sensation of soreness, feeling bruised.

  • Unable to remain still in bed, due to the discomfort.

  • Pains can be sharp and shooting.

  • Fear of being touched due to sensitivity.

  • Hot head, cool body.

  • Headaches on waking.

  • Headaches may feel like a nail boring into the head.

  • Chilly.

  • Dry cough.

  • Worse walking or ascending stairs.

  • May feel temporarily better from moving a part that was lain on.

4. Arsenicum album

Arsenicum album has been used often in flus and food poisoning, when the symptoms match.

  • Restlessness; can be mental or physical. The need for continuous movement/non-stop thinking.

  • Irritability.

  • Anxiety – fear of death or of disease.

  • Exhaustion.

  • Vomiting.

  • Diarrhoea (a top remedy for food poisoning)

  • Burning pains

  • Thirst – frequent small sips of water/fluids.

  • Worse from cold (headaches excepted).

  • Worse after midnight.

5. Belladonna

Belladonna is often used when the illness starts suddenly (similar to Aconite), when the symptoms match.

  • High, burning fever.

  • Dilated pupils.

  • Intense inflammation (at the beginning of the illness, other remedies will be required later on in treatment) and/or congestion.

  • Pains/symptoms appear and disappear suddenly. They are violent.

  • Rapid, strong pulse.

  • Sunstroke – face/head are hot and red.

  • Cold feet.

  • Dryness, inside (mucous membranes – mouth, nose, etc.) and outside (skin).

  • Very thirsty, with no relief from drinking.

  • Symptoms are predominantly on the right side.

  • Symptoms are worse lying down, cold, direct sunlight, bending forwards or backwards, and are best when upright.

  • Sleepy but unable to sleep.

  • Better from warm coverings.

6. Bryonia alba

Bryonia alba has been useful in coughs, bronchitis, pneumonia and headaches, when the symptoms match.

  • Pain that is worse from movement.

  • Fevers begin gradually.

  • Fatigue.

  • Apathy.

  • Chilly.

  • Body aches.

  • Inflammation.

  • Frontal headache – feels like it is throbbing or bursting. Often occur above the left eye.

  • Perspiration and urinating relieves.

  • Thirsty for large amounts of water/fluids.

  • Worse from movement, warm and closed rooms (although, better from warmth generally), and eating.

  • Better from rest and pressure (except inflamed tissues).

7. Cantharis

Cantharis is frequently used in urinary tract infections when the symptoms match.

  • Burning sensations.

  • Sensitive to touch.

  • External coldness (skin) but a sensation of burning internally.

  • Symptoms start suddenly and progress rapidly.

  • Can have a dry throat, but fear a spasm if one drinks.

  • Worse moving and from touch.

  • Often feels better on waking and at night.

8. Carbo vegetablis

Carbo vegetablis is often used for coughs and asthma, when the symptoms match.

  • Wishes to be fanned rapidly.

  • External coldness (skin) but a sensation of burning internally.

  • Burning pains.

  • Cough is worse when going from a warm to cold room.

  • Asthma and hoarseness are worse in damp air.

  • The pressure of a hat bothers them.

  • Worse brandy, wine, butter, port, and in the morning.

9. Chamomilla

Chamomilla is a well-known children’s remedy, although, it is used as well for adults, and for both only when the symptoms match.

  • Oversensitive to pain.

  • Usually chilly; however, pains such as toothache, earache, etc., are worse from warm applications/warm air (headaches excepted).

  • Headaches and colic are relieved by warmth.

  • Restlessness: Child feels better when carried; Adult must move/walk, although that does not necessarily help with the pain.

  • Coffee, which normally does not cause any issues, aggravates.

  • Waking up due to pain.

  • Sleepy but unable to sleep.

  • Redness on one cheek, pale on the other.

  • Often used for teething, rheumatic pains, if the symptoms match.

  • Better from walking (headaches and rheumatic pains)

  • Better from being carried (children).

  • Better from warm wet weather.

  • Toothache better from cold water.

10. Cinchona Officinalis

Cinchona Officinalis has been used for over 200 years, and it was the discovery of this remedy’s action, by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, that was the start of the homeopathic medical system.

  • Fever without thirst.

  • Sensitive to cold air, light touch; better from firm pressure.

  • Apathetic, or irritable.

  • Periodical symptoms (every so many hours, every other day, etc.)

  • Symptoms caused by a loss of fluids.

  • Has been used clinically, when the symptoms fit for malaria.

  • Prolonged blood loss.

  • Diarrhoea, with pain (colic) or painless. With undigested food.

  • Worse from sour foods/drinks, fish, fruit, or wine.

  • Pains in bones/periosteum, which are better from movement. NOTE: Other pains are worse from movement.

  • Pains can feel like tearing.

  • Cough better from sitting upright.

  • Colic better from bending forward.

11. Eupatorium perfoliatum

Eupatorium perfoliatum is often used for flu symptoms, when the symptoms match.

  • Bilious vomiting (vomiting bile). N.B. In a newborn, if this occurs, go directly to the emergency of your local hospital. It is not often the case that surgery is required in a newborn; however, it is important to not delay tests in case it is required.

  • Severe pain in bones during fever.

  • Constant thirst.

  • Headaches, better from vomiting of bile, and from talking.

  • Worse from cold air, cold drinks, lying on the back (cough) and motion.

  • Cough better when kneeling and face forward into a pillow.

12. Ferrum phosphoricum

Ferrum phosphoricum is frequently used for anemia, colds, flus, and muscle fatigue, when symptoms match.

  • Used in the initial stages of fever and inflammation.

  • Blood-streaked discharges in the initial stage of inflammation.

  • A quick pulse, and high temperature.

13. Gelsemium sempervirens (Gelsemium)

Gelsemium is a well known flu remedy, used when the symptoms match.

  • Heaviness of the body, and fatigue, with the desire to remain still.

  • Trembling.

  • The symptoms may begin after a fright or grief.

  • Headaches in the occipital region with tension in the neck.

  • Urination in large quantities relieves symptoms.

  • Urine is watery.

  • Worse from movement, the heat of the sun, and warm, damp weather.

  • Better from being in the open, cold air.

14. Ipecacuahna

Ipecacuahna is a remedy used for the flu and bronchial asthma, when the symptoms matched.

  • Persistent vomiting (even with an empty stomach)

  • Vomiting does NOT relieve the symptoms.

  • Abdominal pains.

  • Breathing may be spasmodic due to congestion.

  • Suffocative cough.

  • Stools may be green, watery, frothy, or contain blood.

  • Worse sweating, with movement, bending over/down, in a warm room.

15. Kali bichromicum (Kali bich)

Kali bich is a well-known remedy used for congestion when the symptoms match. A cute little poem to remember it by is: “If it’s thick and sticky, use Kali bichy”!

  • Mucus can be jelly-like or dry lumps.

  • Very sticky; can be stringy mucous.

  • Pains wander from place to place.

  • Pain may be in a small focused location, and the size of a fingertip.

  • Symptoms may alter; one symptom alternating with another.

  • It may feel as though there is a hair in the throat, when there is not.

  • Cough is worse from eating, and between 2:00 a.m. - 3:00 a.m.

  • Headache is worse around 9:00 a.m.

  • Generally worse from coffee, cold, rest and sitting.

  • Better from being covered, pressure, warmth, and open air.

16. Ledum palustre

Ledum palustre is used frequently in injuries when the symptoms match.

  • After sharp punctures such as a nail, or following some surgeries depending on the incision size (if blunt, look at Arnica).

  • Insect stings or bites.

17. Nux vomica

Nux vomica is used frequently for flus, hangovers, and jet lag, when the symptoms match.

  • Better from being covered when experiencing fever.

  • Intestinal issues and headaches from alcohol, rich food, drugs, coffee and overwork.

  • Constipation with frequent desire; however, nothing comes out.

  • Sensitive to cold and noise.

  • Worse in the open air, from eating and alcohol, sun (headache) from mental exertion and from motion.

  • Worse on waking. May wake early (3:00 am – 4:00 am).

  • Better from lying down/rest or in a warm room.

18. Phosphorus

Phosphorus is used for a variety of complaints, including flu, coughs, and pneumonia, when the symptoms match.

  • Burning sensation/pains.

  • Thirst for cold water, which is vomited once it becomes warm in the stomach.

  • Flushes of heat may begin in the hands.

  • Small wounds bleed excessively.

  • Frequent need to eat, especially in the evening due to feeling faint.

  • Extreme tiredness after stool.

19. Rhus toxicodendron (Rhus tox)

Rhus tox is used frequently in sports injuries, when ligaments and tendons are affected. Has been used clinically in laryngitis, bronchitis, diphtheria, or pneumonia. In all cases, used only when the symptoms matched.

  • Vesicular dermatitis, with oozing.

  • Skin itches, burns and stings. Worse where there is hair.

  • Enlarged glands.

  • Sore throat and swelling. Throat is dark in colour.

  • Sensation as if there is a lump in the epigastrium.

  • Mild fevers.

  • Restless in early stages; fatigue in later stages.

  • Swelling.

  • Crusts on lips and teeth.

  • Tongue may be dry, red and cracked.

  • Expectoration of blood.

  • Eyelids may stick, photophobia. Eyes are worse from cold, damp winds. Also used following cataract operations when symptoms match.

  • Retention of urine, including post operation.

  • Awakes due to pains. Pains may drive the patient out of bed, if not too exhausted.

  • Desires to change position frequently.

  • Worse from first movement (pains); pains improve with gentle ongoing movement.

  • Worse from damp, cold weather; cold in general.

  • Better from warmth.

  • Pains are usually right-sided, with the exception of sciatica, which tends to occur on the left.

  • indDizziness and headache may be worse from lying.

20. Ruta graveolens

Ruta graveolens is used frequently in sprains when the symptoms match.

  • Symptoms tend to occur in the intercostal tissues, wrists, ankles, and joints.

  • Can be old injuries and fractures.

  • Contraction of tendons and fascia.

  • Bursitis if the symptoms match.

  • Pain sensations may vary, but overall there is often a bruised and aching feeling.

  • Thirsty for cold water.

  • Frequent need to urinate, although, it does not relieve the symptoms.

  • Pains may be worse in the evening.

  • Eyestrain is better in the open air.

The remedies when bought in globules (pellets) last a long time, because only a couple of globules are required for you to make a remedy liquid bottle. Instructions on how to make a liquid remedy bottle from the globules will be provided in an upcoming blog.

Remedies can be bought in stores across Canada. They can also be easily ordered online from Thompsons Homeopathic Supplies in Toronto. They offer bulk discounts as well!

Please note that you should always consult you family doctor or go to the emergency room at your local hospital if you are seriously ill or injured.

Reference List

Allen, T.F., Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics, e-book, accessed 8 February 2022 from ReferenceWorks Software (Version

Hering, C., The Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica, e-book collection, accessed 8 February 2022 from ReferenceWorks Software (Version

Murphy, R., Nature’s Material Medica: 1,400 Homeopathic and Herbal Remedies, e-book, accessed 8 February 2022 from ReferenceWorks Software (Version

Neatby, E.A., A Manual of Hoemopathic Therapeutics, e-book, accessed 8 February 2022 from ReferenceWorks Software (Version

Tyler, M.L., 2004. Homoeopathic Drug Pictures, 2004 Edition. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd.

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